Supporting Patients

To do our best for patients, we need to work with them.

Patients are at the core of what we do. This is why we partner with them at each stage of drug development and care delivery.

The role of patient groups is continuously evolving, and they are now more equipped than ever to define healthcare in their own terms.

Patients are becoming increasingly involved in their treatment and care choices based on their own unique experiences. As patient organisations represent the view of patients and families on issues surrounding healthcare they help shape the current and future healthcare environment by making their collective voices heard.

Partnering with patients to further understand their everyday lives is essential to evolve the way we look at diseases. It is through collaboration that we can truly personalise healthcare, taking new approaches to develop better medicines for and with the people that matter most - patients. Patient groups are important partners for Roche, as we share an interest in ensuring patients have the support they need to manage their health together with healthcare professionals. We work with patient groups aims to improve patients' health and quality of life, as well as to ensure the quality use of Roche medicines. In Ireland, Roche collaborates and provides support to a range of local patient groups and while doing so applies the principles of the IPHA Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry and Roche global guidelines.

Roche is committed to advancing research and creating value for Irish patients. In line with this commitment, Roche supports medical and educational activities organised by healthcare organisations/entities and by patient organisations to enhance and maintain patient care and advance research. This includes financial and in-kind support for research, medical education, information and patient initiatives.

In accordance with our Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Roche is committed to transparency in all interactions with patient organisations, healthcare organisation and healthcare professionals. Visitfor more information regarding disclosure of transfers of value and our methodological note.

andinteractions with patient organisations are available. 

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